INGLATERRA: lugares, roteiros e dicas

Desfiladeiro Cheddar na Inglaterra

O que fazer em Cheddar, na Inglaterra

Se você pensa que a Inglaterra é uma nação com uma geografia enfadonhamente plana, composta por poucas (ou quase nenhuma) belezas naturais, esse post veio para te convencer do contrário. Talvez não para quem more aqui, mas para a gente que é de fora, é raro ouvir falar das belezas naturais da Inglaterra. Porém, nessa… Continue reading O que fazer em Cheddar, na Inglaterra

Passeio por pubs históricos em Londres

Se você me perguntar, qual o programa mais britânico que existe? Eu vou te dizer, ir no pub tomar uma pint! Recentemente fui fazer um passeio a pé em Londres com paradas em diversos pubs históricos, conhecendo assim um pouco mais da história da cidade como também dos principais pubs pelo caminho. Esse passeio divertido… Continue reading Passeio por pubs históricos em Londres

London: travel tips, tourist attractions, restaurants and more!

Bairros Enfield: um bairro cheio de parques e campos no extremo norte de Londres. Haringey: um bairro de contrastes geográficos e demográficos no norte de Londres. (em breve) Kingston Upon Thames: um bairro tranquilo e pitoresco às margens do rio Tâmisa. Cerimônias Militares Ceremony Of The Keys: mais de 700 anos de tradição militar na… Continue reading Londres: dicas de viagens, atrações turísticas, restaurantes e mais!

British Museum (detalhes)

10 destaques do Museu Britânico em Londres

The British Museum is one of the most visited attractions in the UK with a permanent collection of over 8 million items spanning over 2 million years of human history. As well as being the oldest national museum in the world it is also the largest museum in the UK... Continue reading 10 destaques do Museu Britânico em Londres

Lonely Planet London: guia de Londres para turistas e moradores

How could I have lived for 12 years in London and never even considered reading a guide to this city, which is one of the most incredible cities in the world? Maybe I never thought of reading this guide because nowadays with the internet we can find all the information we need... Continue reading Lonely Planet London: guia de Londres para turistas e moradores

Haywards Heath, checking out the Ouse Valley Viaduct that went viral on instagram

You know those hidden places in the middle of nowhere that you'd never know existed if it wasn't for the power of social media? Well, that's how we found out that in a little town called Haywards Heath there was one of those historic buildings that you have to see up close to believe. I'm talking about the Ouse Valley Viaduct... Continue reading Haywards Heath, conhecendo o viaduto do vale Ouse que viralizou no instagram

London: The Biography - 2000 years of London history by Peter Ackroyd

It was during the coronavirus pandemic that for the first time in my life I found myself "stuck" in London, unable to travel to another country or even plan short weekend trips to the countryside. The rule was (I mean, it still is very clear): you must stay at home! So staying at home was what... Continue reading London: The Biography – 2000 anos da história de Londres por Peter Ackroyd

Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London

The Ceremony of the Keys is without doubt one of the most special events you can witness when you are visiting or while you are living in London. This is because it is considered to be the oldest military ceremony still existing in the world. That is, every night for over the past 700 years, the guards of the Tower of London have... Continue reading Cerimônia das Chaves na Torre de Londres

Descubra onde fica a cabine telefônica mais antiga de Londres

There are several British cultural icons that are world famous. Some of these are the black taxi, the double decker bus and the red telephone box. There are thousands of telephone boxes all over the country, but the vast majority are in London. But have you... Continue reading Descubra onde fica a cabine telefônica mais antiga de Londres

Enfield, um bairro verde no extremo norte de Londres

Today I'm taking you with me to Enfield, a borough in the extreme North part of London. I had the idea to create a series for my YouTube Channel, followed by a post here on the blog. In this series, I show you a bit more about each borough in London, tell you a bit about its history... Continue reading Enfield, um bairro verde no extremo norte de Londres

Columbia Road, a vibrant flower market in East London

It was only after 9 years living in London that I finally went to visit the Columbia Road flower market. And no, I don't have a good excuse for why it took so long for me to do that. Because if there's one person who loves markets (be of food or flowers) that person is me... Continue reading Columbia Road, uma linda feira de flores no leste de Londres


London Tour: Incredible women and their legacies

At the time of the elections for president of Brazil in 2018, I came across an instagram of a Brazilian woman living in London for a long time, who was super engaged in discussing politics in her instagram stories. What I mean by discussing is: talking to people, listening and answering questions and positions. I noticed that she knew, studied and read... Continue reading Tour em Londres: Mulheres incríveis e seus legados