198 Books, República do Congo

Livro da República do Congo – Black Moses | Projeto 198 Livros

República do Congo é o primeiro país a ser sorteado no quinto ano consecutivo do Projeto 198 Livros, continuando assim nossa viagem literária pela África, já que o último livro lido no projeto foi o da Eritreia. Será que encontrar um livro da República do Congo foi uma tarefa difícil? Continue lendo esse post para… Continue reading Livro da República do Congo – Black Moses | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Eritreia

Livro da Eritreia – Gratitude in Low Voices | Projeto 198 Livros

Eu ainda não sei dizer se o que eu gosto mais nesse projeto de volta ao mundo em livros é revisitar países por onde já viajei ou se é descobrir algo novo sobre países que pouco sei. Quando vi que a Eritreia tinha sido sorteada, tentei puxar lá trás na memória o que eu sabia… Continue reading Livro da Eritreia – Gratitude in Low Voices | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Benin

Benin Book - Why Monkeys Live In Trees | Project 198 Books

Benin is the twentieth country drawn in Project 198 Books and the seventh country drawn from Africa. Benin, officially the Republic of Benin and formerly known as Daomé, is a country located in western Africa. Although its official language is French, in this country live more than 40 ethnic groups that speak dozens... Continue reading Livro do Benim – Why Monkeys Live In Trees | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Western Sahara

Western Sahara Book - Cuentos Saharauis de Mi Abuelo | Project 198 Books

Of all the 198 countries that make up this project list, in fact 5 of them are not yet recognised as countries by the UN and some of them are conflict territories. This is the case of Western Sahara, a territory located in North Africa, known for being the last African colony. But before I talk... Continue reading Livro do Saara Ocidental – Cuentos Saharauis de Mi Abuelo | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Tunisia

Tunisia Book - The Pillar of Salt | Project 198 Books

After having read the book about Chad, the next country drawn in Project 198 Books was also an African country. Now it's time to read and learn a little bit more about Tunisia. A country located in North Africa, more precisely in the Maghreb region. From what I've learned, Tunisian literature... Continue reading Livro da Tunísia – The Pillar of Salt | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Chad

Chad Book - A Teenager in the Chad Civil War | Project 198 Books

When I say that Project 198 Books allows me to travel the world without leaving home, many people don't understand what I mean by that. After reading the last two books on Central American countries, I am about to live a completely different experience on another continent. Well... Continue reading Livro do Chade – A Teenager in the Chad Civil War | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Mauritania

Mauritania Book - The Desert and The Drum | Project 198 Books

Mauritania is the third African country in a row to be drawn in Project 198 Books. The cool thing is that until recently I knew nothing about this country. But the other day I was watching @dannieloliveira's instagram and he was travelling through Mauritania. I followed every detail of his trip with great enthusiasm... Continue reading Livro da Mauritânia – The Desert and The Drum | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Comoros

Comoros Book - The Kaffir of Karthala | Project 198 Books

I confess that I was confused when I saw that I had drawn Comoros for the project. Wait, where is this country? Did I misspelled it when I was printing the paper and instead of putting the country Cameroon I misspelled it and put Comoros? No, the spelling was correct, and yes... Continue reading Livro do Comores – The Kaffir of Karthala | Projeto 198 Livros

198 Books, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Book - House of Stone | Project 198 Books

Finally the first African country was drawn in the 198 Books Project. In this literary adventure of mine I have already travelled through Oceania, Europe, South America, Asia and the Middle East. And we are still only at the beginning of this expedition. I was so happy when I drew Zimbabwe, because I have heard a lot about this country, but the... Continue reading Livro do Zimbábue – House of Stone | Projeto 198 Livros